9. A Tour of Jay Dee's Swinger's Club
Updated: Apr 27, 2020
To be fair to Jay Dee and Tracy, owners of Jay Dee’s, I need to back track a bit in our saga to give them proper credit. So, before Courtney and I set off for Jay Dee’s that first time, I had already been there! You heard me right, I went to the club without Courtney… but, not like you think.
One early afternoon before we went to Jay Dee’s together, I took off work for a long lunch, as you do. However, my intention was to find this obscure Jay Dee’s place prior to driving out in the dark with Courtney. It must be said that Jay Dee’s location is a little obscure. As expected, I got lost and didn’t find the club.
Luckily, I had enough cell reception to google the club and dig through for a number. Sitting like a dork on the side of a small rural road, I called Jay Dee’s. They picked up after the first ring and were surprised to have some bloke out on an off day trying to find their location. Jay Dee himself directed me in from where I’d stopped.
I pulled into what looked part tumbled down farm and part disused industrial depot. A friendly older gent waived me onto the site and waited patiently for me to get out of the car and join him. He introduced himself as Jay Dee and offered to show me around the facility if I had the time. He called over one of his workmen (who we would see again in a few days working the bar) and asked him to show me the club.
Jay Dee’s was much bigger than the Vanilla Alternative and was housed in what looked like a repurposed barn. The downstairs consisted of a lobby, bar and dance floor on one end and a kitchenette, social lounge, giant hot tub, lockers, sauna, shower and then further on some private rooms. All in all, the downstairs looked fairly tame thought much more, how do you put it, rustic than the VA.
The wall art was gauche, the furniture didn’t match and the coverings for the beds in the private rooms were plastic feeling and not the faux leather feel we had seen at the VA. I was beginning to be underwhelmed when the hot tub came into view. It was massive. Jay Dee himself had fabricated the monstrosity and it could easily hold ~30 people. Also, there were plenty of signs around it warning that the hot tub was a, “no play,” zone.
We continued upstairs which was an erotic obstacle course of exposed beams and stairs. Not, what I would call wheelchair friendly. There was a couples room on one end with plenty of play space and then there were several open rooms with couches, beds and other play devices to include a large bondage “cross” in the middle of one room nailed to the end of a king sized bed surrounded by couches. I couldn’t imagine anyone willing to get tied up there in front of a large audience!
I was stimulated just seeing the place and imagining all the crazy fun that would go on during a weekend at Jay Dee’s. I asked about the bar and towels and so forth and was pleased to find the advice given by folks on fabswingers.com had been accurate. I carefully double checked we weren’t going to show up for a huge party as we had for the valentine’s day event at the Vanilla Alternative. No, we were coming on a normal couples evening and would, I was reassured, be pleased with the super friendly, super chill atmosphere.
Leaving the club, Jay Dee popped out with his short pixy partner Tracy. They invited me into their home which was adjacent to the club, let me pet their giant German Shephard, and when they learned I’d given up my lunch hour to find them, Tracy produced a platter of sandwiches to carry me back to work.
I reported dutifully to Courtney that the club was very different from the VA and that she would love the friendly hosts, the German Shephard, the large dance floor, and epic hot tub. The rest would be up to her to judge. I felt confident that Jay Dee and Tracy would provide a safe and friendly environment for Courtney and me to explore our newfound erotic adventures. However, I really dreaded Courtney seeing some of the murals!
